DWRD is one of the five departments in the Ministry of Water Development and Sanitation. Its headquarters is stationed in Lusaka the capital city of Zambia. Headed by the Director, the structure of the department is centered on three thematic areas defined as Sections namely Surface water, Ground Water and Transboundary Waters which are headed by assistant directors respectively. The department has its presence in all provincial and district centers. Over time, the department has evolved assuming different names and responsibilities on the way until now when it is known as Department of Water Resources Development (DWRD).
To provide policy guidance on national water resources related issues and develop both surface and groundwater resources of inland and transboundary water bodies in order to ensure adequate water resources availability and equitable access by all users for sustainable national socio-economic development.
The International Waters Section is responsible for coordinating the management and development of transboundary water resources, as part of DWRD mandate to promote sustainable management of shared waters and international water cooperation. This involves the collaboration with surrounding states in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region on issues relevant to the equitable and reasonable utilization of Southern Africa’s water resources, notably those of the Congo and Zambezi Basins as well as enhancing Transboundary and International Water Cooperation.
VISION STATEMENT - The Ministry's Vision is to work towards becoming; "A Smart and Value -Centered Ministry of Water Development and Sanitation". Through this vision, The Ministry will strive to be dynamic and innovative in its operations by continuously apply research to learn and adopt new and better ways of doing things and be responsive to the dynamics in the environment. In addition, the Ministry will also build confidence and trust among its shareholders through upholding good morals and highest standards of professional ethics, integrity and fairness.
MISSION - "To promote and ensure adequate water availability and a clean and safe environment for all."
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