Project Objective: Supporting the implementation of an integrated framework for development and management of water resources in Zambia

Project Duration: 5 Years (2013 to 2018)

Project amount: $ 50,000.00

Component A: Water Resources Management.

The allocation to Component “A” amounts to USD 8 Million, Sub Activities of component A are Overall of the Hydro-Climatic network Consulting  Services to develop an Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Strategic Catchment Development plan, Supply, Production and Delivery of LiDAR Mapping, Aerial Surveying Equipment for Mapping and associated Service Supply and delivery of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), and Transformation of Water Rights to Water Permits under the Water Resources Management Authority. Development of Masterplan, Flood Risk Zone Delineation.

Component B: Water Resources Development

The allocation under Component B is USD 30 Million. Sub Activities under Component B include Identification of small Dam sites; Construction and Rehabilitation small dams,  identification of project beneficiaries of which 50% are women and the development of community boreholes.

Component C:

The allocation to Component “C” amounts to USD 12 Million.  The component is aimed at strengthening institutional capacity for new institutions in the water sector.  Sub Activities of component C include creation or strengthening of water user associations, strengthening capacity to facilitate management of international waters and capacity building for staff.

The documentation below are cleared by World Bank for disclosure;

WRDP Communication to Health Agric Livestock and Fisheries March 2019 (Disclosure Version)

Action Plan Katembula and Chibalashi 29 March 2019 (Disclosure Version)

WRDP ESIA Addendum Katembula October 2018 (Disclosure Version)

WRDP Remedial ESMP 8 dams October 2018 (DIsclosure Version)

WRDP ESIA Addendum Chibalashi October 2018 (Disclosure Version)